<% dim keykey keykey="楓之谷小遊戲最新版" dim smallclassid,maxperpage,totalpage,totalrecords,currentpage,strfile,remark dim order,bigclassname,smallclassname,bigclassid,i smallclassid=445 if not isinteger(smallclassid) then call mb("no Flash ID!","http://tw.pogame.net/",1) end if currentpage=request("page") order=request("order") if not isinteger(currentpage) then currentpage=1 else currentpage=clng(currentpage) end if maxperpage=8 i=1 totalpage=1 totalrecords=0 strfile="showflash.asp?smallclassid="&smallclassid set rs=conn.execute("select B.bigclassname,S.smallclassname,S.bigclassid from bigclass B inner join smallclass S on B.bigclassid=S.bigclassid where S.smallclassid="&smallclassid) if not (rs.bof and rs.eof) then bigclassname=rs(0) smallclassname=rs(1) 'bigclassid=rs(2)' else bigclassname="anonymous" smallclassname="anonymous" end if rs.close set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") if order="hits" then sql="select * from flash where smallclassid="&smallclassid&" order by hits desc" else sql="select * from flash where smallclassid="&smallclassid&" order by id desc" end if rs.open sql,conn,1,1 if not(rs.bof and rs.eof) then rs.pagesize=maxperpage rs.absolutepage=currentpage totalpage=rs.pagecount totalrecords=rs.recordcount end if %> <%=keykey%>
<% call showpage(strfile,totalrecords,maxperpage,true,true,"")%>
<%do until rs.eof or i>maxperpage%> " if i=9 then response.write "" if i=13 then response.write "" if i=17 then response.write "" if i=21 then response.write "" if i=25 then response.write "" if i=29 then response.write "" loop rs.close if totalrecords > 0 then %> <%end if%>
<%if rs("picurl")<>"" then response.write "" else response.write "" end if %>
<% rs.movenext i=i+1 if i=5 then response.write "